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Tuesday 29 March 2011

Oh dear its been a while!!

So as predicted this hasn't quite turned into a fabulous blog, in fact I struggled to remember which email address i'd created it with!!

So what's brought me back...I registered on twitter a while ago but I have never really been on there until recently, a RL friend of mine tweeted today a link to her blog which reminded me about this and made me think that maybe I should update and try and get into the hang of blogging a bit more often.

I guess I should start with an update, Spugy is now a walking, talking wonderful 21 month old toddler. He does have his moments and has been known to thrown the most monumental paddy's on occasions if he is not getting his own way. They tell me this is the terrible two's, however I am hoping as its started early it will be short lived. I am still a working mama (one of the reasons for no posts since May hehe), but I have recently changed jobs. I am now working back in hospital as a sister facilitating complex discharges. My working pattern has changed slightly and I am now doing four days a week but only 9 - 2 so although we have had to alter our pattern slightly it is working out nicely that Spug and I have the afternoons together.

Mr B is still working away but is home most weekends so we get some quality family time then, we also use Skype a lot to stay in touch when he is working away. We are still having my step daughter and son every other weekend and half of the holidays. Everything is fairly settled on that front which is great as it took us a long while to sort out.

I think perhaps I should add a bit more context to why I started this blog as it would appear from my early posts that I am anti-SAHM's...which isn't accurate. I had some "friends" on facebook who were very anti working mums they made some personal remarks about me working and really hacked me off. I started this blog as a kind of way to get my point across to them. I have to say that I came to my senses, l realised they had their own problems and just removed them from my facebook.

I am no better than anyone else and my pet hate is people that think they are, I hope that anyone reading this blog can see that, despite the tone of my earlier posts! I have good friends who are SAHM or WAHM, and I respect them totally, being a parent is hard work and I have to be honest there are days when I drop Spug off and am pleased to go to work for a rest!!

Tuesday is my day off, today Spug and I have been into our local town to meet up with a client of mine from my old job who I had worked with for a long time, she asked when I left if I could stay in touch with her, which I agreed to do. She finds it difficult to trust people and I have built up a good relationship with her over the years. We went out for a coffee and she really enjoyed talking to Spug and playing with him in the cafe. It's rewarding for me to be able to get to spend some 1:1 time helping someone as that after all is why I do what I do and to be honest there is so much paperwork in nursing now-a-days that I don't get as much chance to do it as I would like.

Anyhoo Spugy has just woken up so best get on with his tea :)

Ta ta

Mrs B x