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Saturday 7 May 2011

Saturday's all about the kids

Am currently sat in a thankfully warm and dry school building in our local town, Saturday's mornings are spent here as small and smaller have dance lessons and smallest has a swimming lesson.

Smallest started swimming lessons when he was 12 weeks old and is really confident in the water, we have just swapped to different lesson as he is now ready to start to learn to swim properly and to work towards his asa badges. He originally went to waterbabies and he did love it when he was little but he'd started not to like the floats which they use a lot. So we made the difficult decision to change to a different company, swimtime. So far though it is working out really well and he's coming on even more with the different teaching style.

It has also worked out great for our family Saturday's as the new lessons are in the same building as the other two's dance school.

I booked small and smallest into the dance school just over a year ago now and even though they only come every other week small and smaller really enjoy their lessons and are doing well they had exams for tap in January both got good grades and were proud of themselves, quite rightly so!! I couldn't have been more proud of them either.

Even Mr B had reservations when I announced I'd booked smaller in for ballet and tap...I think some stereotypes crept in and he needed to be convinced but the lessons have been so beneficial. Smaller is not like most other kids in terms of his processing and social functioning. He really settled in well and loves his dance teacher Miss Sonya and he looks forward to dance lessons. We have asked their birth mother to take them the weekends she has them as they both love it but she won't because it's "our" thing. Yet another demonstration of her irritating inability to put her kids needs before her own!!

So we bring our picnic and set up in the dance school, smaller's ballet and tap lesson starts at 1130, then smallest goes swimming at 1200 with one of us, then small goes to ballet and tap followed by modern meaning we are all finished and ready for home at about 1400.

We understand how important the extra curricular stuff is for all the kids and really feel it is part of being a parent to foster their interest in these things. I would never force them into it but while they enjoy it I'll keep bringing them and mobile blogging while I'm here (as it is quite boring, but still part of the job)! I have a friend who has four boys who are all into football, as spends her weekend mornings on the sidelines!!! At least I'm warm and dry!!

Love to all Mrs B xx