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Friday 17 June 2011

Technological breakdowns a plenty

Well lordy I think I took for granted how much I rely on technology in my everyday life these days. So for once this delay has not been simply down to being a rubbish blogger but I can blame my equipment also hehe :)

Firstly I dropped my iPhone, which cracked the screen, annoying as smallest has bashed it around more times than enough and its always been fine, but it slips out of my hands and onto the kitchen floor and destroys it, it worked for a little while and then eventually stopped charging and so was declared banjaxed!! No problem thinks me, its insured with our bank account...what a blooming pain in the a**e that was to sort out. After six weeks of too-ing and fro-ing, lots of phonecalls, fax's and a major complaint to the company in question, I was given a cheque to cover getting a replacement phone from Orange!! So that's back now thank goodness.

I the meantime whilst I was trying to sort my phone computer died on me, it literally did just completely die, it went from being fine whilst I was working on it one day. I went upstairs to put smallest to bed, came back down and opened it the "resuming windows" screen and that was it!! I thought hey ho i'll switch it off and back on and it will be fine, after all that's what the IT bods at work always say! It wasn't ok and typically it was on a Friday night. Still, thinks I its under warranty, only 9 months old. So I rings on Saturday morning, tells them the story...they tell me its more than a year old so out of warranty unless I send them proof of purchase showing it was less than a year ago I purchased it. Cue mad looking for receipt, having just moved this was not as easy as it should have been!! But at least it got the last few boxes emptied and we now know where the receipts are for lots of things we don't own anymore!

Did find it in the end and after sending it off they agreed that the puter was indeed under warranty and therefore they would try to resuscitate it by asking me to switch it off and then back on again (why do IT technicians need to go to University?), then press lots of buttons, take the battery out and press more buttons and then try switching it on again. None of this worked and they eventually accepted my differential diagnosis which was that it was broken and agreed to arrange for it to be sent to the repair centre. They also gave me the fabulous news that all even if the hard drive wasn't the problem all that pressing of buttons had wiped all my stuff off :S All my Uni work for my dissertation, pictures of the kids, and the presentation I had been doing for teaching ward nurses at work...all gone :(

Turned out when I got it back a week later that they had just replaced the hard drive, so I don't suppose they will know what caused the melt down! So I had a week with no iPhone and no computer! Very odd. Now I wouldn't have said previous to this that I was an internet addict but I did miss it, especially seeing as Mr B was doing a stretch working away. I did lots of other things instead and really wished my curtain fabric had turned up as it would have been an ideal opportunity to crack on with some sewing.

Thankfully I now do have both items back and so do not feel cut off from the 21st century again lol. Trouble is I've lost half of my phone numbers and had to re-write my presentation from scratch, did get it done before I needed to do first teaching session though which is good.

Ta ta all

Mrs B

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