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Monday 3 May 2010


My life my everything, my darling son :)

What more can I say, before I had him I wasn't really complete...I never realised what being a mummy meant. We were very lucky we didn't really try to get pregnant, to be honest it was a bit of a shock, after being told from some investigations for "womens problems", that I wasn't ovulating and if we did want children in the future we would need help!! They got that a little bit wrong and a month later I was peeing on a stick and seeing the word "pregnant", I'm glad it was a digital test as I don't think I would have believed it if it had been a normal one! As it was I had to do another one once Si got home. I will never forget that day, Si was on a long day and I had to take the puppy to the vets because she had eaten a load of electrical wire...totally surreal all round!

It took me a little while to get my head around having a baby and I worried terribly that I wouldn't be maternal, and that I wouldn't know what the baby wanted! We had some problems early on, they thought because of a scan I had on my kidneys when I was only a couple of days pregnant that the baby might have been effected. Thankfully after some more tests and then a detailed scan at 20 weeks they were able to give him the all clear. We could relax and start to enjoy it then. I thoroughly enjoyed being pregnant, feeling him growing inside me...we had found out that he was a he at 20 weeks because we were both so intrigued!

He was born on a hot day in June 2009, I was in labour for 31 hours and then ended up having an emergency caesarean because he was in distress, he was fine when he was born though, 10 perfect fingers and 10 perfect toes. Si and bought him home three days later and although the first weeks were hard, especially when I couldn't breastfeed we have never looked back.

When Spugy was 12 weeks old I started "wearing" him and got into slings and carriers, carrying him like this so close to me, helped us both, and one day in the middle of the local library I felt the rush of love which people talk about getting when they have their babies! I welled up in the middle of the books and fell head over heals in love with my special little man.

He is 10 months old now and he is the light of my life, he changes every day and is growing up so fast, I want to press a button and slow it down so that I can cherish every moment even more.

Spugy's favourite things are music, dancing, his treasure basket, stacking cups and his toy ducks. He loves our dog, Scrumpy and he eats just about anything we put in front of him, including curry's and mature cheddar!

I miss him terribly when I am at work, I would be worried if I didn't, but the days seem to fly by and seeing his beaming little smile when I pick him up makes it worth leaving him for. He goes to a childminder who just has him during the day so he gets 1:1 from her. She takes him to some of the same groups I did and some new ones and he loves being there, I think if I wasn't happy with our childcare that I would be happy with being a working mama.

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