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Saturday 23 April 2011


Well the weather here this week has been fabulous! It seems to be too early to be having this heat wave but long may it continue. We Iive in the north east of England so we have to make the most of every bit of sunshine :)

It has been our half if the holidays this week with my husbands two children from a previous relationship. We fought tooth and nail for this contact as initially his ex didn't want us to have small and smaller even over night. Weeks like this are worth all the heartache though. We have a very different parenting style than thief birth mother which can make it difficult as the children are used to not really doing a great deal, they eat rubbish out of the freezer and watch tv a lot, so we have to encourage and motivate them try new things and enjoy the outdoors, and decent food. When we get them going though it is a real joy to watch them achieve!

I was at work my usual hours except for Friday which was a bank holiday so I was off. I think it is good for all three kids to see a positive role model of work as I hope it will inspire them to achieve as they get older. My Hubby is self employed and can pick and choose when he works, he works away a lot but we really make the most of our family time when he is here. While I have been at work in the mornings he has done a fab job of looking after all three children, which is no mean feat and I know there are a lot of dads out there who probably wouldn't be able to do it.

On Tuesday we went to Pickering to the steam railway, went for a ride on the trains, had a picnic, walked the dog and the got the train back. We all had a fab time and the kids were shattered from all the fresh air. There us nothing better than the sight of three children fast asleep on the way home knowing that they have enjoyed thief day.

Before I had children I was very selfish and I guess that was ok when I wasn't a mama, but now everything I do is tailored to these three little cherubs and I wouldn't have it any other way!

It was smallers 5th birthday yesterday we just had a small family party, he was Spoilt rotten getting amongst other things a trampoline and swing set! Of course all the kids will share and enjoy them but his little face was a picture. My in laws came for party tea and my mother in law made his birthday cake (shes much better at baking than me). Again they all went bed no problem at all as they had been on the go all day. Smallest often has nights where he takes a while to settle he doesnt cry he just stands at the top of the stairs talking to himself and will eventually go to bed if I keep going up and taking him back...this week though he has been asleep as soon as his head has hit the pillow!!

Today we have been to a family fun day at a local church, we are not religious but do try to support our local community. It started to rain and we thought there was going to be a storm so we came home but actually it passed over so we are back in the garden. I'm blogging obviously, Mr B is reading his bike magazine and the kids are playing in the garden...don't think it could be any more perfect actually I am very very lucky and I really should never take that for granted

Mrs B xx

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